Books 2


Based in Rolle at Lake Geneva, Switzerland.

+4179 365 6261

Matthieu Zellweger

Agency: Haytham Pictures,
Paris, France - /


His Name Was Alban - Portfolio

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  • Tirages en quadrichromie, 700 x 500 mm sur papier Natural Evolution white, 280 gm2 avec ennoblissement digital MGI (25 tirages en tout, dont 15 disponibles en portfolio)
  • Portfolio de 710 x 505 mm en carton de 1200 gm2 rembordé de toile Duchesse bleu nuit, intérieur en papier Sirio Color de 290 gm2 bleu nuit avec timbrage au recto argent mat, plaque intérieure avec rabat, fermeture par 2 rubans en satin de 200 x 16 mm (15 portfolios en tout)

Worlds Beyond

This book opens a door to worlds known to one person only, at one moment only. These “Worlds Beyond” are off-limits to anyone else around that person, or even to themselves when the moment is over.

The images depict visions created by the brain when it loses control over reality. This can happen during a dream or it can be induced by a psychiatric disorder, bringing the protagonist to a parallel reality.

The “Worlds Beyond” are confused and undefined, strange and very familiar. Populated by shadowy characters and archetypal figures in unclear surroundings, they represent uncontrolled or irrational situations, with little in common with “reality” as understood by most people during the daytime or outside any psychiatric condition.

Thus, these images are a tribute to the creativity of the brain, rooted in our deepest fears or wildest aspirations, a product of imagination let loose and unconstrained by daily inhibitions, as a result of any possible cause (pathological or otherwise).

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ISBN 978-2-88474-425-6
Flatorello - 44 flaps
22 original texts
30 original images
115 mm x 242 mm (when open: 2530 mm x 242 mm)
Munken Polar 240 g/m2
Printed in January 2019

Secrets of Rice and Water

This book takes us into the secrets of sake breweries, where rice, water and hard work meet to make sake, the national beverage of Japan. It takes us into the heart of brewing season, and unveils in images and texts some of the lesser-known aspects of sake brewing. As the popularity of sake is growing in the West, as most breweries explore ways to expand their offer with very subtle or innovative grades, this book unveils some of their secrets.

This book is the first of its kind. It is written in French, English and Japanese and contains 15 original texts, several dozen pictures over 196 pages, with an apparent, outside binding. This project was supported with by the Fondation Jan Michalski pour l’Ecriture et la Littérature in Montricher, and the Sandoz Family Office.

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ISBN 978-3-03878-005-2
Japanese binding with visible threads, 176 pages
15 original texts
60 original images
210 mm x 260 mm
Lessebo Smooth Bright 150 g/m2
Cromatico Extra-Blanc 140 g/m2
Printed in November 2017 

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